Other/similar projects:
Videos with young refugees at German shools: https://www.startnext.com/
Information about migration, refugees, integration etc.
German Federal Agency for Civic Education
Media education activities and methods to support social inclusion:
Teaching diversity: http://www.teach-d.eu/
Stakeholders in Hamburg:
Li – Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung https://li.hamburg.de/
HIBB – Hamburger Institut für berufliche Bildung https://hibb.hamburg.de/
Tool box for intercultural learning
In our increasingly multicultural society Intercultural Learning becomes more important every day. We need to provide students with relevant competences in order to be active in school and society. Building on these needs the Erasmus+ project ‘Intercultural Learning for pupils and teachers’ offers school leaders and teachers of secondary schools, trainings and tools to include intercultural learning in every subject and aspect of the school life. http://intercultural-learning.eu/